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Showing posts from December, 2011

Merry Christmas

As we look forward to Christmas I just want encourage everyone who reads this to remember that Christmas is not about a Baby in a manger but about the Son of God who died to forgive sins.   If you believe in Jesus and ask him to forgive you He will heal you from the bad things you do and make you right with God.   I wish you all a Blessed Christmas.

I am a Broken Glass

I am a broken glass. And I’m broken not because someone accidently dropped me. I’m broken because I willingly and stubbornly crept to the edge of the cupboard and jumped to the ground. I thought I could fly, and for a moment I was flying. I know I was flying because I could feel the wind rustling against me. It felt so good. I was free of that dusty old cupboard. My parents had always told me not to get too close to the edge, it’s not safe, but I hadn’t listened and I was happy I hadn’t listened.   Then I found out I could only fall. I was going down, down, down and couldn’t stop. I screamed and tried to go back to my safe place on the cupboard shelf. But it was too late. I fell. I shattered. There I lay on the ground. My beautiful crystal lay all over the floor tiles. I don’t know how long I lay on that cold floor. I wished I could pull myself back to the way I was so I could climb into a hole and no one would be able to see what I had done....

Would our Rulers be Wise?

I am currently reading through the whole Bible from beginning to end, back to front, start to finish. A couple nights ago I was up to Psalm 2 in my reading and what I read in the verse of 10-12 gave me quite a bit to think about.     This is what it says;     "Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."      I wonder what God would say to the rulers of Canada. Would He tell them to be wise and to fear Him or would He praise them because they love Him and want to do what is right? What would He say to the people of this country? Would He praise us for having good rulers or would He scorn us because those who we have given power do not care about Him?      This is something serious to think about. If...

Going Through the Motions

Matthew West has a song called “The Motions” and it speaks about how Christians often just go through the motions, doing what they are suppose to be doing but never really making the heart change. My youth group was talking about it this Sunday night. We often do as we should because people are watching us but not because we really want to. All lot can get hid inside our hearts while a smile remains on our faces.                 I wonder how we would change our country if we were a people who did more that worship God in church on Sunday.   What if we worshiped God when we were in school, at work, playing games, at the hockey arena, sledding down the hill, or walking down the street?                 Instead of going through the motions of being a Christian I challenge you to pick up your cross and...