Very thankful today remembering all the men and women who have served and suffered for our country. Thank you to the men who fought in the wars of the current and previous century and to the women and children who supported them and were willing to sacrifice the man they loved most for the sake of a cause--the cause to preserve life and justice. This makes me think of us today. Even though most of my friends aren't in the military we all are in some kind of battle. We too ought to be fighting for life and justice here at home. If you think Canada is a nation that loves life you should think again. A startling fact I recently heard was that Canada is one of the three countries in the world that doesn't have any kind of law in regard to abortion--right up there with China and North Korea. So life is not so important to Canadians. It turns out justice isn't either. Restitution is a foreign concept to most of us. Why should I pay you for the money I stole when I could do a ...