In the morning I've been reading through The Valley of Vision , a collection of Puritan prayers. It's a bit like praying through convicting poetry--beautiful and searching. Pages 122-123 contain a prayer called "Self-Knowledge" which begins with these lines: " Searcher of Hearts, it is a good day to me when thou givest me a glimpse of myself; Sin is my greatest evil, but thou art my greatest good; I have cause to loathe myself, and not to seek self-honour, for no one desires to commend his own dunghill." No one desires to commend his own dunghill. What a phrase. And notice how this godly man connects seeking your own honour with commending your own dunghill. I've been thinking about this because seeking my own honour exactly what I do. Would you like to know what I'm good at? Just ask me. I'll tell you. However, the only reason there is any honour about me or anything honourable in my life is because of the grace of God and the work of the Hol...