Then thousand thousand precious gifts my daily thanks employ; nor is the least a cheerful heart that tastes those gifts with joy. This is the fourth verse in a hymn titled When All Your Mercies, O My God, written by Joseph Addison in 1712. If you'd like to sing the verse, it's written in common meter, which just means you can use the tune of Amazing Grace or O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing or a bunch of other common tunes to sing it. I've been singing through a hymn book in my private morning worship, and until a couple days ago I had never heard of this hymn. The verse above is a beautiful thought, isn't it? Not only does God give us thousand thousand gifts, one of His kindest gifts is a cheerful heart that can enjoy them. Food, work, home, friends, family, all of them are good gifts, and another very good gift is the ability to enjoy them with a cheerful heart. So this too is another reason to give thanks. We can thank God for cinnamon buns...