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Showing posts from May, 2013

The Blessing

Over the past couple years I've had the privilege to be blessed and I don't mean in just the blessings of day to day life (though that is also true) but more specifically I'm referring to the blessing the pastor will declare at the end of the church service. When I was little didn't take much notice of it until I started thinking about the words. Now different pastors use different blessings but they usually involve God being gracious and granting peace. And these blessings unite us as believers more than you might think. When I lived in Toronto I was blessed in Punjabi almost every Lord's Day. This first made me think of the amazingness of our God, that He not only understands other languages but also created them. You see, God is not the God who blesses only those who speak English and He will bless you even by using languages you don't understand. In the past six weeks I have been blessed in French, German, Italian, and English. It reminds me that my home c...