High school is full of friends and drama and learning. Perhaps one of the best parts of high school for girls is the learning because you are expected and encouraged to use your brain. It's good to pass exams with flying colours and finish with high marks. And then you graduate. And then what? You ALL get married and become moms. So what on earth would you need to go to school for? You must think pretty highly of yourself if you want to get your BA (or even worse, Masters) in something. Why should you go to university for Biology and Chemistry (that you love and excel in) when you could go to the community collage for a year or two or better yet just work at the local diner till some chap asks you to marry him ? Why waste your time and money developing your gifts when you could just settle for a minimum wage job that keeps you going till your real life begins ? Because today is your real life. Not the maybe-might-happen-in-five-years. Today. Today is your real life. ...