There are Christian disciplines that we probably do out of a mix of routine, love for God, and because they are frequently mentioned in sermons; prayer, Bible reading, cooperate worship, participating in the sacraments, and fellowship. But there's one, at least in my life, that was seldom talked about and I only saw it modeled only once; fasting . Recently my pastor mentioned fasting in a sermon which started me thinking. If Jesus expected His followers to fast (Matthew 6:16) and Paul expected married couples to fast (1 Corinthians 7:5KJV) then shouldn't Christians do it? And since I'm a follower of Jesus, shouldn't I? I didn't have a clue how to go about I did some research. People typically fast in order to confess sin (either for themselves, the church, or the nation), because they are in mourning, or to give God undivided devotion/attention while they seek His will on a certain issue. Basically, the concept of fasting is to deprive yourself of food f...