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Encouragement from Psalm 11

I've been using the book, "Psalms in 30 Days," during my morning worship. Yesterday I read Psalm 11. It begins with the Psalmist declaring "I have taken refuge in the LORD" and then he asks, "how can you say to me, 'escape to the mountains like a bird! For look; the wicked string bows...When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?'" (verse 1-3 CBS). The wicked are taunting him, trying to get him to focus on all the bad stuff and freak out. 

He replies that he's taken refuge in the LORD. "Why are you encouraging me to fear and flee? Why are you bringing me to despair by pointing out that the foundations are destroyed and then asking what I am going to do about it?" 

The LORD is in His holy temple. The LORD-His throne is in Heaven. His eyes watch. His gaze examines everyone. The LORD examines the righteous, but he hates the wicked and those who love violence...for the LORD is righteous; He loves righteous deeds. The upright will see His face. (verse 4-7 CBS)

The world is a sea of wickedness. What can the righteous do? What can the people of God do? 

Remember. The LORD is in His holy temple. He's got this. He hates wickedness and He will destroy wickedness and wicked people. But you know what He loves? Righteousness, and righteous deeds. Those who live before Him and obey Him, covered in the righteousness of Jesus, they're going to see His face. Isn't that crazy? 

This reality gives me hope and removes fear. God has got this. He wants me to live righteously and do righteous deeds for His glory; He'll take care of the rest. It puts the cares and concerns of this world into their proper places. It helps me carry on, being obedient in my everyday life and leave the rest with God. He knows. He's got this. He loves me. I can trust Him. It is well with my soul. 

What I'm Reading Lately 

    • Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. This was our book club book in May. It's historic fiction about something I had no knowledge of. It was awful and crazy, parts were really well written and parts were...well...less well written. If you're looking for an interesting and heart wrenching summer read, I recommend this one. 
    • The Staff and the Sword series by Patrick W. Carr. I'm on book three and I'd like someone else to read this series so that we can discuss it. Again, a great summer read. 
    • A whole pile of ancient world literature for my school course (think Gilgamesh and The Odyssey), 

What I'm Enjoying Lately 

    • my blender. I use it almost every day for smoothies or making butter or creaming tomato sauce. 
    • putting cooked lentils in tomato sauce. If you blend them in, you can't taste them and they add protein and fiber. 
    • morning worship on the patio 
    • flavoured, cold green tea
    • my icemaker, and making fun drinks 
    • watching my nieces and nephews catching tadpoles 
    • sourdough focaccia bread

O help me to set an upright example that will ever rebuke vice, allure to goodness, and evidence that lovely are the ways of Christ. The Valley of Vision pg 227



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