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Not Our Best Work

 A group of woman sat around a table; laughing, sharing stories, teasing each other. It was light hearted, a refreshment after a day in the trenches of life. One woman was being teased quite heavily and good-natured laughter danced through the air. What a gifts friendship and laughter are. Then I caught a glance of the woman's face. She was politely smiling, but definitely not laughing. That good natured teasing had gone too far. It had hit a nerve. Her eyes were begging for it to stop. 

The subject changed and the conversation moved on. Later, when I contemplated the situation (as one does laying in bed at night) I thought that was not our best work. The women around that table were women pursing God, women who love each other, women who truly want what is best for each other, women who know how to be an encouragement. However, in this instance, we chose to laugh over a subject we are not sensitive too, at the expense of another woman's comfort because she was sensitive to it. Let me put it this way; we were not mindful of her things, we were only mindful of our own (see Philippians 2). It was not malicious. It was simply thoughtless. 

Not our best work.

It has set me thinking to other times when I've been in a situation and allowed my own wants to dominate how I act. How often must people forgive me for being short sighted? How often does my Father in Heaven cast my unrealized sin as far as the east is from the west when I pray "forgive me for the sins I don't realize I've done"? Probably a lot. 

God has told us that when we meet together we are to encourage each other and build each other up, and that truth has been tucked in my back pocket without me actively trying to obey it. My friend's sad eyes across the table were a wake-up call. 

How would it change our conversations and interactions if we actively chose to show up and do our best work? To encourage and bless those around us? To look at someone else's life, ask meaningful questions, and try to understand where they're coming from? 

May God give us grace to be intentional and kind and gracious. May the Spirit show us how to meet the needs of those around us and bless them with words of encouragement. 

And may we regularly come home and feel we have done good work that pleases God and blesses His people. 

What I'm Reading Lately 

    • We just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett for book club. I did not like it. Most of the other girls did. I found the main characters unlikeable, and the book over all a bit trashy and feminist. 
    • For this month we're reading The Hobbit by Tolkien for book club. 
    • I also recently finished The Warden by Anthony Trollope. I liked Barchester Towers better but this was still a very pleasant read. 
    • C.T. Studd: Cricketer&Pioneer by Norman P. Grubb was a thrift store find about an early missionary. I really enjoyed it. 

What I'm Enjoying Lately 

    • Evening walks around my neighbourhood 
    • The podcast Classical Stuff You Should Know 
    • learning to make a good kefir water. It's harder than I thought 
    • sourdough bread (lots of food fermenting in my house) 
    • the cooler weather and open windows 

"Quiet waiting before GOD would save from many a mistake and from many a sorrow." Hudson Taylor 


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