Before bed, I am reading the Life and Diary of Andrew Bonar. If there was one saint from old that I could sit down with over a cup of tea, it would probably be this father in the faith. He was a Puritan, but he wasn't what you think of when you think of a stereotypical puritan. Andrew Bonar was kind, good with names, and beloved by children. When he went into the town to visit the people it was not uncommon to see children take his hand and walk with him. He was best friends with Robert Murray M'Cheyne, he wrote and edited several biographies and Bible commentaries, he longed for the revival of the Jews, he buried a young son as well as his own wife. He knew his weakness and he prayed. But most of all, he really loved the Lord Jesus. In reading his diary, I came across this section: Often I have wondered that I did not feel the temptations of Satan more frequently and plainly. But now I discover his plan. For a long time, indeed for years, I can see that he has contrived very ...