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a shining prince in dirty coveralls

 It was a cool day where she worked. Bundled up in multiple layers she labored away at the tasks before her between helping customers select what they needed and load it into their vehicles. A young mother wanted some heavy pots and an elderly lady desired three bags of mulch. She loaded them into their cars, smiling, chatting, brightening the cool day with her own personal rays of sunshine.
    It had been a rather hard and long day and she was looking forward to going home when an elderly man (probably between 75-80 years old) walked in with a cane and stood before the front counter. He was wearing a cap that must have been for free from the farm show and his face had a smear of dirt across his left cheek. His blue coveralls were faded and dirty and a bright red handkerchief stuck out his pocket. 
    "What can I help you with today, sir?" She asked with a bright smile.
     "I need two bales of straw" he replied and lay his ten dollar bill on the counter. She rang up his order, gave him his coins and walked out of the store to find his straw. He kindly back his truck up close to where she was and then walked around the vehicle.
     As she placed the last bale of straw in his truck bed  and shut the tail gate the old man looked at her with some regret.
     "Thank you so much" he said. "I hate to see a girl doing this but I have a pinched nerve in my back that's causing me some troubles so thank you."
     "You're welcome!" she answered. A smile lingered on her face as he drove away. Even though he would not have been able to load his things up himself his chivalry hadn't gotten old and for that encouragement, she was indeed thankful.


  1. :) That would make my day too.
    It reminds me of the 3-year-old who came with his mom and baby sister into work the other day. It was frozen, and the day was almost done. They left after I helped them load up the car... and then came back after 5-10 min. I thought that maybe the forgot something, well it turns out that they didn't. They went to Timmies to get hot chocolates for themselves, and then this little man says, "But mommy, those girls are really cold!!!!" His mom couldn't resist and bought us large, steaming, warm hot chocolates!!!! He seriously made my day!!!
    Another example of chivalry, except in a little boy form. :)

  2. What a beautiful post, and a beautiful story in the comment above :)
    Great to know that young and old know chivalry.
    Thanks for posting R.D


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