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Actually, I'm engaged

If you are a Christian you are part of the greatest love story every told to mankind. This story begins with God speaking and it ends with an "amen". It's found between the covers of this book called "The Bible" and if you haven't read it I suggest you begin immediately because you will be amazed at the love recorded there.

If you are a Christian you are described as a member of God's church and if you are a member of His church you are also part of the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5). You might say that Israel in the Old Testament was God's church and He made His love story very clear to them as well...though not because they deserved it. Song of Solomon tells the deep, intimate love of Christ for His church and the adoration of the church for Jesus; it's the story of how it should always be. Sadly, in a few books later we read a story that is heart wrenching. Ezekiel 16 is titled "The Lord's Faithless Bride" because this bride, this one who God saved in His great mercy, fled from Him and gave all her love away to the nations. She became a prostitute. In fact the prophet Hosea's life is a picture of Jesus and the church as he is told to marry a prostitute to show the church's unfaithfulness and God's mercy. This tearful story comes to a climax when Jesus comes and His people don't know Him, in fact they hate Him and they nail Him to a tree.

The King, the merciful Prince, the lover of the Church; died.

And it's only because He died that His bride can clothe herself with His righteousness and stand in purity as she looks forward to their wedding day. Because Jesus died He can now stand before God the Father and say "I know she's been unfaithful. I know she's worshiped other gods, and lied, and run from all the blessings You've given her. But forgive her because I was punished in her place. Don't count her wrongs against her but see her as wearing My obedience." (Hebrews 9:14-15 Romans 8:1-2  Isaiah 53:4-6)

You see, this story is not a love story because two people fell madly in love and gave everything up for the other. This is a love story because the infinitely wise, good, holy, just, perfect, and merciful God took on the nature of man so that He could suffer and die and rise so that He could again have communion with His wicked, finite creatures. He showed the love. And it is only because of Him that we don't need to fear His return on Judgment Day. Rather, we're told the end of the tale;

"Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder crying out, 'Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give Him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure.'" Revelation 19:6-8a (ESV)

Whither you are a married or single member of the church this is the end of your story. If your love story on this earth is sad, hurtful, or none existent, you can rest assured that as part of Christ's Bride you are loved more than any mere mortal can love. You are engaged to the One Who knows you most and still decided to take away your rags of sin and clothe you with fine linen.

You are not simply a person living life here without a purpose; you are looking forward to the greatest wedding of your life. Are you excited about your Groom? Because as you get to know Him you will be.

"He who testifies to these things says, 'surely I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen." Revelation 22:20-21


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