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He has a Name

It smelled. Rats glared at the shadow that passed their feast of old burgers and moldy pickles. Footsteps made a splashing sound as they carelessly passed through whatever was leaking out of the dumpsters and somewhere in the distance a siren sounded. The steps hurried. Faster, faster, don't get caught. At the end of the ally stood what he was waiting for. A man in a dark hoodie awaited his arrival. 
    "Did you get it?"
    "Yes," our shadow shoved a wade of cash at the hooded man and grabbed the package that was held out to him. He then backed away quickly and waited while the hooded man slipped into a car and drove away. Behind the dumpster would be good. He looked around to make sure no one was watching him and then slid behind the large, green, smelly beast to get his fix. 
     Light flooded the ally as a door opened. She lifted her garbage bag and made her way toward a dumpster. "Hurry up, we need ya in here!" a voice screamed behind her. 
    "Yeah, yeah, that's all I'm good for...just a warm body." She muttered. As she slugged the bag into the dumpster her sweater moved, revealing deep scares on her wrists. She pulled her sweater closer around her frail body and went back into the restaurant. "Back to the dishes." she muttered again. 
    "What took you so long?" Asked a deep male voice from the other side of the kitchen. 
    "The lid was shut." She yelled back. 
    "Hmph," he raised his eyebrow and turned away. He reached to get his frying pan and snuck a peek at the pin-up he had inside the cupboard door. If you hadn't left me, Ronda dear, I wouldn't need this stuff.
    "Smokey ribs and green leaf salad for table twelve!"
    He slammed the door and spun around the hand the waitress her order. She grabbed the plates and rushed out the swinging door to the table where a young couple sat waiting. The woman's belly was noticeable swelling with child.  You killed your baby. A voice seemed to whisper to her. I only got that way because of a one night stand. It was the right thing to do. A dead baby is better than an unloved baby. Her heart whispered back, even as it was breaking. She set the plates before the couple and said "enjoy your meal" and then hurried off to the next table before she could think about it. 
    The young man smiled at his young wife and once they had finished he helped her with her coat and into the car. They had a nice conversation on the way home and then she went to put her feet up while he went to check something in the office. He switched on the computer and looked at their bank account. It was down again. "I'll just need to have another 'business meeting' Friday night and win it all back." He said to the computer screen. "I can't have a little one coming into the world without any money now can I?" He glanced at the time. "Better get to bed. Church tomorrow." The screen went dark.
   The morning air was bright and clear when they arrived at church. The pastor's wife greeted him and asked how his wife was. "Very good," he answered. 
   "Well she certainly is getting big. It won't be long now." She smiled. And I'm getting bigger and bigger too. I need to exercise more, and eat less. I thought the throwing up would take care of all this extra weight but I guess I'll need to be more extreme. 
   Her son watched her slide into her seat. "She looks so perfect at church but at home her and dad are monsters. They never let me do anything. Some day I'm going to run away and join the army. Just you wait and see." He declared to his posy before they took their seats. He liked to sit near the front so he could watch the girl who played the guitar. She had it together. She didn't have any problems. And she was beautiful. 
    She smiled back at him when he caught her eye. She played her cords and sang the songs and went home with a competently empty feeling inside because she knew what awaited her; an angry father. He would suit up in his blue uniform and catch bad guys. Too busy to care about what his family was doing. By day he wore blue and by night he wore a dark hoodie. She didn't know where he went or what he did but she didn't dare ask for fear he would hit her. So she keep her mouth shut and sang her song and felt empty inside. 

Do you know these people's names? 

Jesus does. 

Are you willing to tell these people His? 


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